In December I was talked into running my first half marathon (Galveston Diva Run).
A few of the ladies I work with kept telling me how much fun they were and at the Diva run when you cross the finish line you get a tiara, champagne and greeted by sexy fireman with their shirts off..
So this was the motivator for me to sign-up! Who doesn't like to parade around in a tiara while drinking champagne and get to take pictures with half naked fireman! The only thing I had to worry about was finishing in the allotted 3 hours and 30 minutes and of yea, not dying in the process! Our training didn't really start until mid January. I figured since I have done the MS150 and Sprint Triathlons that this should be easy peasy... Ummm that was a big fat NEGATIVE Ghost Writer! This is the hardest thing I have ever trained for. I ended up getting shin splits. So I bought the compression wraps and KT Tape to help with the pain. I also bought new shoes from Luke's Locker. The one thing that is no joke when running long distances is the CHAFING, Oh my LAWD! That hurts and for days... Why did no one warn me? learned very quickly after what I considered my first long run (8 miles) to lube yourself right on up! Ain't no shame in it... I never want to feel that kind of pain again.
Well I am here to warn anyone that is thinking about running long distances and just starting out... LUBE YOUR SELF RIGHT ON UP! There is no such thing as too much... You will thank me later.
I bought mine from Amazon my go to store because sometimes you are just to lazy to venture outside of your jammies! Anti-Chafe Glide
The week before the marathon we pushed it to 12 miles even though the training sheet we were following only showed we had to run 11. I needed to see if I could make it 12 since the longest run we had done was 9 miles. With traveling, work, school, husband surgery and the weather. We just didn't have time to train as much together and therefore my accountability went along with it. She was my motivation to get my long runs done on the weekend. I do not like to run by myself outside.
We decided it would be a great idea not to stay in Galveston but drive the 1.2 hours the morning off.. Which meant I had to be up by 3:45 to get out there, Man that was rough. The first wave left around 6:30AM. I put in my tunes and the first few miles were a breeze I was high off the crowds cheering us on. We went through the "loop" mile 7-9 and that was my purgatory. I just hit a wall and thought I was just going to die... There were no spectators or and it was a construction site for 2 miles. I popped my blockers and just grunted through it. I am not a quitter and was not going to let this defeat me. That is when my time slowed down I did a lot of walking and complaining in my head.. It was a battle within. I could see the 10 mile marker in sight and my husband who was at home recouping from back surgery... Text me and told me he loved me and I got this.. It was just the motivation I needed.. I decided to stop and take a picture by the marker and send it to him. The last few miles I would get motivating texts from him. I crossed the finish-line and received a boa, tiara, and a glass of champagne. I finished in 3:15 and could not be more pleased with my time. My goal was to not die check and finish in the 3 hours and 30 minutes double check!
After finishing the run, to my surprise.. I was already talking about running another race! That is right I have the feva! I am registered to run the Rock-N-Roll in Vegas. My training/friend ran it last year and said it was the best experience and so much fun. So my goal is to finish under 3 hours. So let the training continue.
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