Friday, July 19, 2013

“linking up with Crystal Michelle + Amy”  

Doing my It's Friday Dance!! I made it through yet another work week!

So I following some pretty inspiring people and you should totally blog stalk them as well.. Crystal  Amy As you can see from the picture above.. they are pretty hot lil mommas! Anyways, I like to call them my friends and they started a "link up" and I wanna play! So this is my first attempt at this and I hope it works. I am still getting use to all this blogging and the rules and what not. God forbid I end up with people mad at me because well.. I just couldn't cut it.


5 Facts about me: 
I am a Mom to an amazing almost 10 year old boy, a wife to an amazing Aggie who has been there for me over the past 8 years and I call him my best friend, I am a full-time student at University of West Texas A&M as well as a full-time employee.. Fun Stuff.... I KNOW! I currently live in Houston (thanks to the husband moving us down a few years back) and trust me when I say this.. I WOULD NEVER EVER IN MY ENTIRE LIFE MOVE BACK TO THE DREADED FORT WORTH... I loathe that place...

and I always seem to want to order margaritas when I go out for Mexican food or out with the girls.. (umm I hate margaritas and always regret the decision once it gets to the table) WHEN will I learn... (probably never) Stupid I know.. but it seems like the thing to order when eating Mexican food or out with the chicas!

5 fitness facts: 
1. I feel like a beast when I can workout for over an hour 
2. I have found my new addiction and it's called the Pole.. Talk about SEXY FITNESS! I need a pole in my life at my house, STAT!
3. I love me some Crossfit I just wasn't getting the results I wanted, don't get me wrong I was getting results just not the ones that I had envisioned.
4. I am officially an Bombshell Under-construction and this makes me smile! I have been taking weekly progress pictures and I will have my sexy legs by the time I am 32. (Next June)
5. I am addicted to the gym and the gym is addicted to me.. 

Bonus* The worst is when you are trying to super-set and someone is lounging on the equipment you need or bumps you off your equipment and tells you.. "Oh I think are already done with this... Umm no sir.. I am most certainly not.. But since you have bigger muscles and seem to be much more of a douche bag then me... Go ahead and kick this white girl off of the smith machine... ASSHOLE! <--------- True story.. Happened to me on Tuesday.

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Friday, July 12, 2013

Feeling like a cool kid..

It's Friday! (Doing my weekend dance...movin it and shake in it)

A little about why I decided to name my blog sarah-vs-sara.. When I was younger to make Mom mad.. I would spell my name with an "h" at the end. She would get so mad at me, I would just giggle, because I got exactly what I wanted. Why, you ask? Cause in my teens I was a BRAT and I kinda still am in my own way. I did it to just get a rise out of her. We laugh about it now, but she would always tell me she should've named me.. (wait for it)  BONNIE like she was going to do until she saw my face.. (giggling inside) I couldn't imagine being called Bonnie, I am totally a Bratty Sara.

I totally feel like a cool kid with a blog. I was bragging to the Mister Sir aka The Husband yesterday. He thinks I am NUTS! I told him hopefully I can use this as my outlet so we don't have to stay up and have late night girl talk (we all know that he is going to be sad when that day comes). I love to blog stalk and read fitness articles.. Today I was reading a Crossfit article about Re-defining beauty and of course it got me thinking.. What does it mean and who determines what beauty really is? I believe there is a quote or saying that says something along the lines "beauty is in the eye of the beholder" (I think.. maybe..) Beauty for women is a daily struggle. How we define beauty is what we see in magazines and on television. In all honesty is that really what beauty is? Our looks and outward appearance have no bearing on who we are as a person. Our looks have no bearing on defining our own beauty. We need to stop trying to change our physical appearance to fill some sort of happiness within ourselves. I know that I struggle with this on a daily basis and I am always looking for affirmation that I am beautiful and good enough, this has been a life long struggle of mine.. Some may say others have damaged my self image or that I might even be damaged goods at times.. Cause lord knows I love to have me some pitty parties! I get over it usually within 24 hours. How did I get on this rant? Back to the article at hand.. I would like to try and Re-define beauty, I think if we all take imitative in trying to change how we see beauty we can make a change. I don't believe this change will happen over night, but it will happen over time. We need to set examples for the next generation. One of the first steps is to be honest... That's right Ladies! Honesty is the best policy. I have been 23 for 5 years and 27 for a few years.. I know.. I am really 31 and I am going to own it and be proud of being 31,because I look good for being 31! We need to not lie about our weight either. (This is another one of my struggles to be discussed in a later blog) The number on the scale does not define you or if you are healthy, unhealthy, fat, skinny. There are so many contributing factors to the number on the scale. Own the number on the scale and don't let it define you as a person or make or break your day. Another thing we should stop doing is comparing ourselves to others.. (Guilt as charged!) I am always comparing myself to others.. Especially at the gym. I am on a machine and a girl walks by.. I think to myself ("OMG! That is what my body looks like, and I hate it.. or Damn! I Jenna GOTS it going on! I wanna be just like her") I have learned over the past year that we are all unique in our own ways and we have quirks, things we hate about ourselves, things we love about ourselves, and God made us different for a reason. The next thing would we need to get rid of negative energy/talk in our life. Life is to short to have anything negative including people that taint your views or make you feel like you want to jump off the next cliff.. Cause you have been drawn into their negative.. Debbie downer mood. The last thing to Re-Define BEAUTY... Is to change your perspective. I know easier said then done.. I am still working on this one everyday. Instead of looking in the mirror and ridiculing everything you hate about your body.. Be proud of what you have and the fact that you are active/alive and healthy.

Side Note- Headed to see family this weekend and can't wait to go fishing with my boys and see Despicable Me 2!

Hope everyone has an amazing weekend.

Thursday, July 11, 2013

Howdy! My name is Sara, like the Ben Folds song Sara without an "H". I was born and raised in Texas and would never think of leaving. I am married to the most amazing man in the world and we have a son who is a mini version of me (scary I know!). Now, that I have that out of the way... I have thought about blogging for a while now, and I always think.. who or why would anyone want to read what I have to say. So I am blogging for me and this is my outlet and if you happen to stumble upon my blog and like it feel free to stay around and say "hi". The reason I started this blog on today is because I was inspired by two amazing ladies and their recent blogs +Crystal Michelle ,you can follow her on and +Amy Bryant , who you can follow at (God I hope that is the right Amy Bryant). I kinda stock them and they like it. So today is hopefully the first day of mini that I can sit back with a cup of water (because I am on a health kick) and type out anything and everything that is on my mind. Just know that I am a flavor of the month kinda girl (per the husband) and I am all over the place when it comes to my thoughts.

I have a small addiction at the moment and that would be the gym. Yes, the gym is my addiction and I am admitting it to the world. If you have a problem with it.. Ehhh I don't really care. With that being said I was hanging out on Pinterest and stumbled upon this and it describe why I workout. On my facebook I am always checking in at they gym sometimes once or twice a day. I have had a few people comment and say why you always have to be checking in at the gym... I do it because.. Well I can and it helps me stay accountable to myself. I love looking back on my timeline and seeing how many times I went to the gym (yep I think I am a badass at times)